Lost and Found - The Yearbook


Wenwen(Erin) Qiu


Zhiyue(Jessie) Chen


This is an item carrying lots of pictures inside with all of my previous classmates and teachers in high school, It contains the pages that each of my classmates wrote all of their best wishes , leaving their contact informations and silly little things to me. It includes loads of happiness and unforgettable memories and differernt handwritten emojis.


My partner described the image in English. THe idea of yearbook came to mind as soon as Jessie mentioned pictures oh her previous classmates and teachers in her high school. Her description is sufficient enough for me to figure out her lost item is yearbook of her high school.

I used all the technical components (code) from the assignment to draw the yearbook. What troubles me the most is the Cartesian System, since I am used to have objects appeared in the middle of canvas (like in AE). I tried to set the system similiar towhat I preferred, so I used translate();. However, I noticed the coordination goes to negative value after the translate code. It is much harder for me to depict the image using code as I use other software. But I had a lot of fun playing codes to draw the image.

I found that the order of codes is significant because it can mess up the whole script if a code is misplaced. Keeping my codes organized plays an important part as I try to interpret code at different stages such as 2d primitives, color, text, and lines.